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Top 10 WordPress Tips and Tricks for Beginners: 2020 Edition

Are you a novice at blogging trying to stand out from the crowd? Here are some WordPress tips and tricks for beginners that might help you out.


We can all agree that 2020 hasn’t been a very productive year for us, with the quarantining and what not. But the good news is many of us tried making good use of this time by trying out new things like blogging, for example. If you are one of those people who have recently made a wordpress website and are trying hard to make it better, here is a compiled list of WordPress tips and tricks that might come in handy.

WordPress Tips and Tricks 2020

1. Optimal Image Resolution

Firstly, include images in your blogs if you are not doing it already. Images make your blogs more organized, readable, and also more SEO- friendly. Secondly, it’s important to use the right image size. You don’t want a pixilated image because that would make a bad impression on your reader and ultimately decrease the views your website gets. But you also don’t need an unnecessarily high-resolution image because that would slow down your website.

So, find the right balance depending on the size you want to display.



2. Use an SEO-plugin

Not everyone has much knowledge about SEO and that’s understandable; there are tools available to help you out. An SEO-plugin helps you with on-page optimization i.e. the changes and improvements you can make in your blog to make it more SEO-friendly and rank higher on the Google search page.

Yoast SEO plugin is one of the most recommended SEO-plugins.


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3. Insert Title Tags and Alt Texts

So, you’ve added images to your blog and of the right size too, what more? Alt text is the alternate text your reader would see in case the image doesn’t load. That way, Alt Texts make your blog more readable and it is also a part of on-page optimization.

Title tags aren’t visible to your audience, but it is still advisable to add them as they still affect the SEO of your page.

4. Optimize the Excerpts

While writing an excerpt, keep in mind that:

The excerpt should be interesting enough to catch the attention of the reader.
It should precisely convey the point of your article.
It shouldn’t be longer than the display limit of your theme.

Always remember to take out extra time to write an excerpt for your post. It’s a little thing but helps bring more audience to your page.

5. Choose a Mobile-Friendly Theme

It’s quite apparent that most people now surf the internet through their mobile devices instead of PCs. You’re probably reading this on your mobile too. So it’s important for your website to be mobile-friendly. Otherwise, the reader would turn to another website in mere seconds because the competition is too much.

6. Make use of headings and sub-headings

Any reader would prefer a neatly organized and paragraphed article over a big block of unformatted text. Even you wouldn’t be reading this article if it weren’t distributed into points. Remember, the easier you make it for the audience, the more visitors your website gets.

Also, Sub-headings help your article rank better on Google.

7. Make Sure the Website is Easy to Navigate

Again, the competition is too much and the audience is not patient. As soon as the reader faces any inconvenience in finding the information they need, they would turn to some other website. So make sure your website is user-friendly and super easy to navigate.

8. Interact with Your Audience

The success of your website is entirely dependent on your audience, so treat them like it. Put a call-to-action in your blogs i.e. ask them questions, feedback, what they want to read next, ask them to comment and then reply to their comments. This would build a relationship of trust between you and your audience and make them want to come back.

And the plus point is, this convinces Google that your page is genuine and you get ranked better. So a win-win!

9. Avoid Spam Comments

Just like genuine interaction helps the website’s rank, spam comments make your article look like a hoax and affect the rank negatively. You surely don’t want that, right?

So, steer clear of spam comments.

10. Promote

Now that you have created top-notch content and made it SEO-friendly as much as you can, it’s time to promote. And yes, promotion is needed no matter how good your content is because people first need to know about your website to appreciate it.

If you’ve just started blogging and don’t want to spend money on promoting, use your social media platforms to let the people know about your website. Quora is a good platform to promote because people generally go there to read and seek answers and won’t hesitate before visiting your article.

It’s possible that you aren’t very tech-savvy and don’t understand much about themes, plugins, and how to keep your website up-to-date. For that, there are WordPress Support Company like WP-Win to help you maintain your website so that you just have to worry about writing and not the technical stuff.

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